DA博客管理員Alek(DA團隊的對外發言人)今天接受DA論壇一位名為mortalinstincts的斑竹的採訪,採訪的最後一段,當mortalinstincts問到DA團隊對此次Chick-HEN R2以及德芙(Davee)的看法的時候,Alek表示DA團隊願意幫助德芙走的更遠!

  要點翻譯:多玩 - sam.wang



  mortalinstincts:最後,你對Chick-HEN R2和Davee有什麼評論嗎?

  Alek:剛剛Davee新發佈的ChickHEN R2對於現在的情況確實是需要的,就像對PSP目前還離死亡很遠的言論的提醒(譯者註:可能是指離破解還很遙遠),


  mortalinstincts:Finally, What are your comments on the Chick-HEN R2 and any comments for Davee?

  Alek:That fresh new released ChickHEN R2 from Davee is indeed what the scene needed since sometime, like a prod for saying that the PSP Scene is far from being death, and that we are far from being obsolete or old-fashioned.

  Therefore, I will always support homebrew and the ways to make it possible, (more than backups capability) so Davee has all my cheers.

  So, if I was talking to Davee, I would recognize his job till now and encourage him to continue with it, offering our help if he needs to.


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